Aletheia Publishing is proud to announce the upcoming release of its new title under the Aletheia Theology Series titled Radical Sharing and Revolutionary Solidarity: Economic Ethics in the Gospel of Luke by Fr. Elton L. Viagedor, OFM.
In the book's foreword, Most Rev. Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle writes:
"This book prompts us to reflect on our own understanding of wealth, and challenges us to consider what Scriptures, specifically the Lukan accounts, reveal in terms of the ideal Christian attitude and disposition toward material resources. As Fr. Elton patiently delves into the Scriptural accounts and draws out insights, the reader is gently led to engage with questions that resonate deeply in our contemporary context, both personal and collective. Part of that context is the predominance today of the neo-liberal capitalist framework and, among Christians, the misappropriation of the Bible to justify a money-oriented ideology."